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Sand Dunes
Coaching & Mentorship
Open Geode

Join a Mastermind

Denver IRL Mastermind
a 6 month in-person mastermind for Denver business owners to create community and achieve business goals. 

Boss Moves Mastermind

a 9 month virtual mastermind for women to make bold, courageous moves in their
business and life, while balancing their internal masculine and feminine energies. 

Evergreen Coaching Programs & Masterclasses
  • Aligned Collaboration
    Aligned Collaboration
    join this program to learn how to assess, create and maintain the best collaborations for your biz & life to thrive!
  • Magic of the Elements
    Magic of the Elements
    Exploration of the Elements, Evergreen Program
  • The Art of Holding Space
    The Art of Holding Space
    Workshop on Holding Safe, Sacred Spaces
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